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Supreme Sound 2.0

about the course

For yogis, the Sacred Sound Current reigns supreme. The ever-wise ancients understood that the secret to happiness and the science of spiritual acceleration is based on sound. The fabric of all life is sound vibration. Therefore, the most powerful tool you have as a human being is your own voice -- join The Supreme Sound 2.0 to learn how to tap more deeply into it.

Supreme Sound 2.0
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inside the full course

Module 1: Activating The Supreme Sound

The Supreme Sound is the sound of your soul, unaltered and uninhibited. Your voice is its vehicle. Harnessing your unique sound lets you become your most authentic self, creating new neural pathways.

In the first module, learn about Naad Yoga, the meridians and glandular system, and accessing the navel center with simple, fun exercises to unlock your voice.

Module 2: Healing Powers Of The Voice

Your voice is unique and holds the perfect frequency for deep, transformative healing. Master your voice, and you master your reality. In this module, you'll learn the essential qualities of the Supreme Sound, empowering you to express your heart's true desires with clarity.

Learn to access your genuine voice and fall in love with its sound. Also, discover fun breath techniques to expand the capacity of your lungs & voice.

Module 3: Sound Projectivity

When you know where in your body you project your voice from, it becomes an internal GPS system. You can choose where to project from, instead of being influenced by emotions or external events.

You'll transform interactions into more evolved, heart-centered exchanges. In this module, you'll navigate the body, mind, and energy system. Explore the five qualities of the human voice and discover what qualities dominate your sound.

Module 4: The Supreme Sound Experience

Mantra literally means "wave of the mind." We're all chanting mantras constantly, but what are we chanting? Are we using mantra to elevate and empower ourselves, or is our internal dialogue reinforcing negative patterns?

In the finale, we unpack the science of mantra. Learn how conscious repetition can alter brain wave frequency, molecular structure, and even your DNA. Here, you experience mantra like never before.

bonus gifts

Simrit's Personal Vocal Practice

Exclusively for Supreme Sound 2.0 course students, Simrit will be sharing her personal vocal practice. This is the perfect companion class to what you will be learning and practicing in the main modules of the course. It's exciting and fun, and like the course, you can download or stream it from anywhere in the world!

Special Access: LFA Live Immersion

As an added bonus that we think will make this simply irresistible…when you register for this course you will receive a significant student discount to attend any upcoming IN-PERSON LIFE-FORCE ACADEMY IMMERSION. Your student pricing can also be extended to one additional guest. (Each guest must register separately, using appropriate promo code. This offer expires when space at each event fills up.)

the full course details

There are four modules in the course. The course is designed for you to take one module per week, over a four-week period. You'll receive the entire course immediately and can progress through it at your own pace.

Each module has a Supreme Sound teaching section, vocal exercise section, and yoga/meditation section.

Can't begin right away? No worries! You have lifetime access to the course. There is no time limit for when you must finish the course!

You can download the entire course to your computer. This is an awesome feature as it allows you to take the course with you when you don't have an internet connection.

Each class is provided in both video and audio format. The video format is dynamic and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!

This course has a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you get the course, and then for any reason decide that it is not for you...simply email our team within 60 days and they will send you a full refund.

This course was created for people of all walks of life. It doesn't matter what your age is, what your gender is, how flexible or strong you are...none of that matters. It will meet you where you are now.

This course is designed to give you REAL-LIFE results, and that requires REAL-LIFE ACTION! By the end of the course, you'll be well-prepared to begin a home practice that will keep you happy, healthy, and radiant.

Supreme Sound 2.0
Get immediate access to Supreme Sound 2.0. Access all course content in video & audio format. Download to enjoy offline, or stream anytime from any device!
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