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Awakening the 7 Chakras

about the course

Each chakra is like a micro-mind. They are the lenses through which we perceive our inner and outer world. Purify the lens and the field of awareness expands. When the heart chakra is purified, your feeling of love naturally expands. When the root chakra is purified, habits of fear begin to dissipate. Who doesn’t want such things? When practiced with the right rhythm, harmony, and intelligence — you can make your own magic.

Jai Dev Singh

Imagine your body and mind as a musical instrument.

When it is tuned and played with good rhythm, life feels like a beautiful flow.

When our instrument is out of tune, and when our rhythm is off, life feels full of obstacles and frustrations.

Life is about rhythm and harmony. If you can shift those two things, you can shift everything.

If your mind-body is an instrument, the chakras are your tuning plexuses — the 7 wheels of the psyche.

When the mind just won’t cooperate or the body feels lousy, you can work at the level of the chakras in order to generate a definite shift — a new rhythm is found, a new harmony will be struck!

If you want to blossom in new and inspired ways, the chakras act as your launching-off points.

They act as your power centers, quite literally. Amplify your creativity and joy. Brighten your intuition. Feel the depths of Love. With our virtual retreat, you can participate from anywhere in the world. All you need is a quiet space, an internet connection, and a willingness to go deep.

Awakening the 7 Chakras
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inside the full course

Session 1: Turning the 7 Wheels of Life

A journey into timelessness where our stresses dissipate, our nervous system is restored, and our mind becomes blissful. The ‘Wheels of Life’ - the 7 Chakras - are powerful plexuses of the energetic body. Your energy body (life-force) acts as a bridge between the mind and body. When we work directly with the life-force we can quickly bring a potent vitality to the body and a meditative bliss to the mind. From there the river of our life flows with prosperity and purpose!

Session 2: Moving Beyond our Fear

Here we begin our journey up the spine. At its base we find the foundation of our lives. Are we comfortable in our skin? Have we developed backbone? Each of our lives is asking us to take a heroic journey. We all came here through the door of the womb, and we all will one day pass through the door of death. When we purify and then strengthen the Muladhara chakra, we feel safe in our body and on the earth. In Session 2, we set the groundwork for the blossoming of our life!

Session 3: Activating Creative Juice

At the second great center things get juicy! After all, if our bodies and minds are not filled with good juice (rasa) life becomes a drag. We lack the satisfaction and inspiration to follow our great path. We can no longer hear the divine melody of our life. The second chakra holds immense power. It is our sexuality and primal creative force. When its energy is flowing powerfully in the direction of your great path, the flower of prosperity begins to bloom! Here, we activate the creative wellspring of our path!

Session 4: Lighting the Sacred Fire

When the subtle inner fire is ignited, and really allowed to shine — there is new light in the eyes, a new luster to the skin. We have the energy to pursue our life’s goals and the magnetism to achieve them. When the inner fire is well lit, we have a pop to our step, a force to our stride. We can digest what life brings us and use it as fuel to propel us forward. When we light the subtle fire our intelligence comes forth — we can lead, inspire others around us, and live with inspired courage. In Session 4, we ignite the sacred fire!

Session 5: Into the Great Heart

When our life-force awakens in the heart center – the Anahata Chakra – a new universe opens up for us. It’s nearly impossible to describe but we all know what it feels like to live from our heart…even for a moment. We feel love. We feel blissful. We feel immense compassion. When you think of those you love most dearly, how does your heart feel? The Heart Chakra – the six-pointed star – is the secret gateway to the love we’re all searching for! In Session 5, we journey into the great heart!

Session 6: Vibrating the Sacred Sound

At this point of our journey we are entering the ether realms. Our sense of connectivity has expanded, our vision is wider, and we are ready to harness the mighty force of the sound current — the Naad. Sound vibration is the subtle fabric from which our thoughts, feelings and emotions emerge. When we vibrate the high-frequency sound, the thoughts and emotions follow suit. In Session 6, we vibrate the cosmos — the cosmos clear the path!

Session 7: Seeing the Mysterious Brilliance

To lift into the heightened space of the Ajna Chakra – the majestic 3rd eye – is to experience a transcendent bliss that gives wisdom to all things. The light of an inner sun shines forth and we can see that which had always seemed hidden. With brilliant meditative power we begin to enjoy the great mystery of things. We become enchanted by life and we can see the summit of our heroic path with clear eyes. In Session 7, we activate the intuitive force.

Session 8: Brightening Your Radiance

Finally we arrive at the crown center — the top pole of our magnetic field and our point of connection to the part of us that transcends time and space, life and death — our spirit. On this final session of our journey, we will bring the infinite spirit into our bodies and mind. The experience of this is like being crowned on the regal throne of your genuine path. It’s empowering, it’s courage-giving, it brings forth your real radiance. In Session 8, we will activate the radiance of the crown center!

bonus sessions

7 Secrets of Yogic Astrology w/ Drupada

Join Drupada MacDonald – Jai Dev's own Vedic Astrology Mentor – as he takes us through the Yogic Journey of the 7 Chakras. Unlock the wisdom that has the capacity to change how you think about your energy, yourself, and your life forever!

Tantric Sound Journey

A 1 hr experiential sound journey that will guide you through the vibrations of the 7 Chakras. You can expect moments of blissful meditation, dancing, relaxation, and to be totally transported by this sound experience. Who knows what else will come out of the mystery!

Simrit Live in Concert

Join us as we celebrate and dance under the stars with a full live concert by the SIMRIT project featuring new music and some of their timeless favorites. Last year’s concert at the Immersion was one of the best they’ve ever played – don't miss this!

how the immersion works

Awakening the 7 Chakras
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